Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Jennifer Huff Teachers Pay Teachers

Hey y'all! I just posted my first unit on TEACHERS PAY TEACHERS and guess what..it is FREE for all of you. It is my first attempt so please be forgiving! Let me know what you think and enjoy....more to come!!
Follow me so you can get a good look at my new goodies I hope to post soon!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Polar Cuties

I got this inspiration from www.makinglearningfun.com on her website, she has this printable and the kids can make their own person but I used the kids school pictures for their faces. Turned out cute.

snowflake syllables.

I was AH MAZED at how well the kids did with this. With minimal help. I will for sure do this with other units. They could look at the scrambled word and almost immediately figure out which popcorn word it was.

Little cloze work. I didn't remember to take a picture of the kids before I sent it home so this is mine!

Playdoh symmetry.

Using DJinkers clip art and pulling inspiration from Jan Brett's "The Hat",  I made a counting by 5's to 100 number scramble sheet. The kids had to cut/glue in the correct order. 

Match uppercase polar bear with lowercase polar bear and write both letters.

This was another scrambling activity. Match the scrambled polar bear with the correct word on the fish . The kids got a kick out of 'feeding' the polar bear fish. I put this in a game center a few days later after we did this in small group time and they did great.

Ending sounds.

Penguin/snowflake patterning work. This was picture...Tacky and his companions was completed by one of my sweeties.

Numeral and word match

I found this book buried in one of my filing cabinets. I bought this when my daughter (11) was 2 and i was probably pregnant with my son. There are some cute activities in here for the classroom. I just wanted to share.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Couple of Printables

Simple roll a dot or number dice have the kids write the number in the box or circle then go back and color the correct color according to the key. Lots of different ideas you can do with this...high frequency words, uppercase/lowercase letters, etc.
Penguin Dice
Polar Baby Dice

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Wonderland

At this center the kids matched the hat with boots by color and supplied the  beginning sound and wrote the word.

Matching number with number words

High frequency word work.

basic addition using snowflakes.

Matching number words with dots on dominoes.

Simple activity to go with the book "The Snowglobe Family". It is the cutest book ever.
The Snowglobe Family

Matching dominoes with numbers.

Simple labeling activity I made.

CVC work with pictures. I put three snowflakes on each card so the kids would remember each word has three letters.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Printable to go with.....

Mitten Count by 2

Monday, January 2, 2012

Long Time Since Posting...

I've been on break since December 16 and we don't go back until Jan. 4. I have done very little school stuff this whole time! I did work on some January/February center activities. I probably won't post this week, possibly next. I will be doing assessments most of this week anyway. When I'm off on break I like to do things with my children like movies, skating, spending time with Grandma, swimming and shopping! We did a lot of baking, too. I'm not too excited about the craziness of getting back into the morning rush and evening homework but I will be a little happy about getting my kids back on some kind of routine. This time of year is always a little up and down...down because the holidays are over but up because of possible snow days, a few inservice days already scheduled and most exciting...we will be starting construction on our house in a few months. In my next few posts...snowmen, polar animals, winter centers and February stuff soon. Thanks for reading.