Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun

Simple Math Activity during centers.

Venn Diagram

Spelling popcorn words w/ wikki stix.

Spelling Thanksgiving words w/ tiles. Got

Goes with dice below

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween Fun

An idea from Pinterest ...smore's kit. I made these for each of my Kindys.

Our new kitten. Worn out from Trick Or Treating

Uppercase/lowercase letter sorting

Chipmunk sentence matching.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Night Animals and Hibernation

Goes with the dice roll the dice, find the animal on the sheet and color the animal. Very easy and simple independent work station game.

Isn't this the cutest!!???

Goes w/ game from above!

From Deanna Jump's Owls Pack

Goes with dice below, kids roll dice and write the popcorn word. Nigel Nightowl is from ZooPhonics.

Color word work. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Fun

Pick a Leaf card, write the letter. Read the letters to someone at home.

Goes with the cube game below. Roll the cube, say the name of the picture, write the correct letter. Look at this wonderful handwriting!!

Word Matching with Spookely.

Word Matching with "Go Away Big Green Monster". The monster picture is from

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Couple of Apple Things...

I gave the kids a copy of an apple and had them color it their favorite color to make this graph.

Afterwards we reviewed our data.

I have been horrible at taking pictures so far this year. We moved into our new home just this weekend. I cut back a lot on my internet time due to packing and unpacking. I also just haven't taken that many pictures so far this year! My class is very chatty and a couple of kids who....well....just shouldn't be in the same class together so I've also had to cut back on what I'm doing in my classroom so I can get a handle on management! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Beginning of the Year

Hey all! See below for two emergent reader printables..."School Tools" and "Silly Shapes". I. am. so. tired! You forget how much training Kindys need!! The bathroom, lunch, bus dismissal, recess line ups. We are 3 days in and doing ok. I've already started getting the kids used to rotations for literacy time. We made this cute Clifford and that's about it. Add to it I'm moving into my new house in about a month. We are planning on camping this weekend but the hurricane may drown us out. Our school is doing a Daily Five book study this year and many of our teachers are doing it in their classrooms this year. I'm on the fence. I've decided to do the book study and observe a couple of my Kinder and First Grade colleagues to see the Daily Five in action but right now I like what I do!!! Anyone else feel this way or is struggling with this? Do you do the Daily Five? If not, why not? My neighbor teacher started it and she already loves loves loves it.

School Tools Printable Emergent Reader

School Emergent Reader

Silly Shapes Printable Emergent Reader

Silly Shapes Emergent

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bugs and Long Time No Post

Word scramble

Tomorrow is the LAST day of school! Sorry I haven't posted...I've been swamped with new house construction decisions, end of the year assessments, report cards, kindergarten program you know!!
Caterpillar pipe sorted by color and counted how many then wrote on response sheet below.

Kids picked a bug (from below), read the number then drew that many bugs in the jar.

This activity went with the book below. Very cute.

Coccoon Patterns

Eric Carle graph.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Beauty Parlor Bear Community Helper

Beauty Parlor Bear

Community Helpers/Career Day

I forgot to include this in my last post of Plants. I made this game called "real or fake" where the kids selected a flower and read the word on the flower. If it is a real word they wrote it in the real column, fake words go in the fake column. I made the words pretty easy so it was obvious. It was cute to listen to them try and sound out the fake words. 

Adding up groceries. My kids are getting so good with this!

Adding up doctors and nurses.

Doctoring up sentences. They did very well with this. I'm going to do a similar activity next week with Mother's day.

Simple center game.

The numbers were on the back of the mailboxes.

Match the vet with the dog to make rhyming pairs. Write both words. Dig/pig, tree/bee, etc.

Grab a teacher and stamp the word.

Adding together mirrors and beauticians.

Adding together librarian and books.