Saturday, April 30, 2011


**Pictures out of order a little bit. I'm having trouble getting them to load in a certain order...sorry!
Kids could earn a plastic egg w/ a trinket inside if they had good behavior for the day.

Pocket chart story for the week.

Picture sort

Kids sorted, drew and labeled pictures of oviparous animals.

Cute nest/snack idea. Cut a lunch sack in half, have the kids fold down the sack, add easter grass, a bird peep and jellybeans for eggs. 

Cute story I found at the local library. I love all of Anne Rockwell's books.

The kids had fun using plastic animals to put in eggs and had their friends guess what animal was inside.

Idea from Mrs.Lee. I used the wooden cookies I bought at Michael's (on sale) and taped high frequency words to the back.The kids turned over the cookies w/ spatulas then wrote the word on their paper.

Making pinecone birdfeeders with lard and birdseed.

See hula hoop sorting below.

Egg spin word family game using all blue eggs since we were talking about robins that day.

Yes/No animal oviparous game.

Graphing favorite ways to eat eggs.

Funny egg craft.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Some Easter Activities....

Watercolor painting eggs.

Easter creation station.

sorting, patterning, comparing plastic eggs.

I got this idea from a teacher blog, I forget which one. It is not my idea. I laminated clocks and used a marker to write different times on the clocks then the kids did a scavenger hunt to write the times on their paper.

The kids matched the word with the picture then drew the picture and colored the egg the correct color.

Sorting eggs by word families then writing the word families.

Peter Rabbit flannelboard.

These pictures are out of order but we did a four page Bunny Book.

We made bunny basket/bags then a treat was left in the bags while the kids were out to recess!