Friday, September 23, 2011


Matching words with farm animal pictures. 

Writing beginning sounds of farm animals/farm words.

Brainstorming fall colors.

We did a lot of Little Red Hen story comparing and contrasting. In past years I've made bread or cake with my class. This particular week I just wasn't up for it. Plus I have soooo many kids this year compared to past years. I decided to bake a simple yellow cake at home the night before then have the kids help me frost, decorate, serve and clean up. They loved it!!! It was a total surprise for them.

Counting farm animals and comparing and graphing.

I assigned jobs for the kids. Some kids frosted, added sprinkles, passed out plates and forks, helped clean up, etc.

Simple cut/glue numbers in correct order 0-20.

Sorting farm animal/not a farm animal.

See, trace, write activity from the following blog...
Farm Unit

Sequencing Little Red Hen pictures.

Farm web

Farm Dice Graph game

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Farm Freebie

Little Red Hen Colors

Friday, September 16, 2011

Math Stations and Bears

Simple math game from Target. 

Sorting pattern block shapes by number of sides.

Comparing real bears with stuffed bears after reading several Corduroy stories and bear stories.

Large pattern block shapes I borrowed from my neighbor teacher. The kids love these!

Literacy Station work. Beginning bear sounds. Each bear had a picture on the back, the kids wrote the beginning letter sound then colored the bear the correct color. I did this with each small group for center time. This took much modeling and assistance!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Second Week Stuff

Color mixing with fingerpaint after reading "Mouse Paint"

I found these cute mice with puddles and such on a website  a long time ago. I can't remember the website but I don't think it is around anymore. 

Tracing with pattern block templates.

Play Doh numbers

We read many Clifford books and talked about the color red, things that are red, etc. I also threw in some word work with Popcorn Words a and I 

Matching days of the week with events from "Cookie's Week".

Simple color/shape dice game/graph.

Name mix/fix

My kids are loving this!! We've read a couple of the "bucket" books and brainstormed tons of dipper and filler behaviors.

Working with numbers and 1 to 1 correspondence.

counting out beads for numerals

Making simple shapes and letters and numbers with pretzel sticks.

We came up with lots of good bucket fillers !

I'm doing this big book for shared reading tomorrow. I call this "rip and read". I wrap the book  in paper then rip of bits at a time to revel the cover. After each rip the kids give input as to what they think the book is about, etc. They always say Mr. Grump is grumpy because of the cat and really the cat isn't even in the story...just on the front cover. I like Mr. Grump because the text is really repetitive and the kids are constantly pulling it out of the big book center.