Sunday, September 26, 2010

Math and More

Pattern Block Puzzles

Graphing M & M's
Coloring Unifix Cube Trains
Stamping with Pattern Block Stamps

Painting an Apple Seasonal tree

Simple Dice Game, counting dots and making
X's on the graph.

Computer lab Time. My kids like

Playing animal clinic and animal farm with
Playmobil animals and accessories.

Monday, September 20, 2010

More Centers

Using GeoBoards to make letters, numbers, shapes.
Using Play Doh to make letters

Paper pattern block art
Playing games on the rug.
Bean Game

Sorting baby items
Create A Scene Magnetic boards
Creation Station
Unifix cube train patterns
Cutting pictures from magazines 

Collage work at Creation Station

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun Friday

Copying color words from the word wall.
Making a farm with animals and logs.
Playing restaurant.
Sorting farm animals.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Table Time

Matching letter tiles with an ABC card.

Learning about volume and measurement
playing in the sandbox.
Making Cookie after reading and sequencing
Cookie's Week

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Week Stuff

Calendar area. Each year I change it because
when April rolls around I get bored with it.

Corduroy Bear
I read "Bear in a Square" then we make a Square
Matching shapes and colors.
Daily class jobs
Reading and felt board area