Sunday, October 31, 2010

Acting out Itsy Bitsy Spider w/ a straw and plastic spider.

Sorting spider/not a spider.

Creating Haunted Houses w/ foam pieces.

Creating own patterns w/ Halloween erasers.

Sequencing from the story , "Go Away Big Green Monster".

Sewing autumn cards.

We cut open our pumpkin on party day. It was kind of rotten but the
kids touched it and I let them take home a few seeds.

Go Away Big Green Monster felt face pieces.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Making a haunted house at the block center.

Shape raccoon we made for our night
animals unit.
Sorting pony tail holders I got from the
Dollar Tree.


Sorting/Graphing Candy Bones.
Owls we made during our Night Animals Unit.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Unit

From seed to pumpkin game w/ a partner.

Counting out candy to put in pumpkins/skeletons.

Sorting leaves by various attributes.

Using flannelboard to retell the story of "The Little Old
Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything".

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater artwork.

Peter flannelboard retelling.

Using black play doh to and shape cookie cutters
to make jack o lantern faces.

Halloween mazes 

Candy Corn patterning cards.

using cookie cutters and Halloween ice cube trays
to make play doh Halloween shapes.

Dramatic play area. The kids used Halloween decorations and
paper plates to play Halloween Party and Farm Market.

Pocket Chart story of the week "Grow a Pumpkin".

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall is Here!


Roll two dice, count the dots, write the number on the halloween

Leaf Rubbing

Sorting Halloween stuff

Fine motor activity, tear pieces of paper (fall colors)
and glue to make a fall tree.

"Fall Things" observations

Painting a fall leaf

Clothespins clipped on pieces of sponge for paintbrushes.