Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some Math Organization

Some math organization linked to 

Geoboard Work. Always a center, depending on the skill they make numbers, shapes, patterns.

Simple bean game from the beginning of the year. There are sooooo many things you can do with this to adapt it.

I have TONS of printable games. 

Unifix cube center (early in the year) working on counting, adding, subtracting, making patterns.

Same for pattern blocks. This was early in the year when we worked on matching pattern block patterns.

I have TONS of graphs that coincide with the season/theme. Graphing, adding, counting, how many more, how many less, etc.

I have lots of dollar tree sorting items, again, all thematic. Later in the year I have the kids fill out a 'data' sheet based on how they sorted.

This is from the games center. Various games based on theme.

Check out makinglearningfun.com She has tons of printables for math and literacy.

Estimation station. This is almost a daily center. The kids guess how many of a certain item is in the plastic jar and the items are counted out w/ the help of a 100's chart.

Another printable from makinglearningfun.com Roll the dice, add the two numbers together, write it on the reindeer tummy.

From Deanna Jump. I do these whole group or in our math journal.

A Math Their Way game that I adapted for Valentine's.

Little/Big dice game.

Roll 3 dice and put them in order from greatest to least.

Organization for my sorting, counting, patterning supplies.

100's chart work using colored markers. The kids LOVE this.

Some Organization for Literacy Centers

Organization for Literacy Centers.... Linked up with

I do a mixture of literacy and math centers most days. Some of these pictures are early in the year. I'm on spring break and not really wanting to go into my classroom to get some of my organizational binders so you'll have to use your imagination. Each month I change out my books in my bookshelf for the kids to read during partner or self-selected reading time. This is just ONE area of the room for the kids to select books. I also have several book baskets of leveled readers.

This is one of my book tubs. Complete with pointers, etc. These books are leveled aa-B for this specific group of readers. 

Literacy Center binder organized by months. I do most of my teaching thematically so it is easier for me to combine everything monthly. 

Small group readers, I think I have six copies of each book leveled aa-L. We are required to do a running record weekly so we know each child's reading level. However, my guided reading groups usually change every 4 weeks. I have A-E in these two baskets because that is where most of my readers are and I can get to these books easily.

This is my all important binder. It has my schedules, (not lesson plans, I do actually use a lesson plan book), anecdotal notes, guided reading levels and list of books/lessons used and checklists galore.

This is from early in the year. I believe in doing homogeneous groups 3 times a week and heterogeneous groups 2 times a week. Mostly literacy is the homogeneous groups and math is more heterogeneous. Notice I have 'green' names on this picture and 'purple' on the one below. I am always a center and that picture is of a reading group. Most of my icons I made myself by using magazines, boardmaker or copied from various workshops. Again, this is from early in the year so the centers for this day were reading groups, dice game, construction, working with words and painting.

This is more geared for math, pattern block work, writing around the room then math game, working with words (penguin theme), sorting and flannelboard.

We have a subscription to readingatoz.com. LOVE IT!! All of the books are leveled and have printable books, lesson extensions, graphic organizers, etc. This picture was taken with one of my reading groups, a Level D reader I believe and after completing my lesson (depending on the goal) we did an extension activity.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Break!!

I probably won't be posting anything for the next week or two. Below are the latest happenings in our classroom. Just the usual....writing, painting, games, centers, etc. Friday was our Spring Party and the kids were out of control had fun but whew I'm ready for a week off!

I printed these off of makinglearningfun.com and had the kids use wikki stix to make letters. Probably more for the beginning of the year but I recently made them and had them laminated so I threw it in a center.

Writing Around the Room

This inspiration came from Mrs. Lee. I made monster cards with a CVC  word, had the kids write the word in the box then color the monster to match the card.

I have this alphabet puzzle my kids FIGHT over the pieces. So funny each year different classes argue over different things. Last year it was the penguin figurines in my arctic animal unit!

Flower activity/writing and I had the kids put their pictures in the center of the flowers.

One of my little sweeties brought in daffodils each day this week!

I got these food posters on sale last year at a teacher's store. I thought I would cut them up and do something with them but the pictures are so connected I really can't cut them apart. So I had the kids create a meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They were able to illustrate and copy the word.

Kite activity.

Working with Words. We use hi-lighters to hi-light the spelling pattern then provided our own rhyming word.

After we read this story I printed off some flower clip art pictures and we did some watercolor painting.

Each year our school has a Volunteer Appreciation Brunch and each class makes a little note or sign or poster to display at the brunch. I am able to reuse this poster each year. I printed out and laminated several DJ Inkers Kid's Fun All Year clip art and tape them to a posterboard and write the names of the students next to the pictures. Very easy and cute!