Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reindeer, Menorahs, Parent Gifts

We labeled our reindeer a few times in class then this was a center where the kids had  a picture of a reindeer and they had to label it themselves. 

Counting by 5's from 0 to 100. Again, this became a center where I made a recording sheet with a reindeer and a space under the picture so they could record the number.

Easy easy parent gift. I found clear plastic ornaments at Michael's crafts. 50 cents for 6. Kids filled the ornament with sequins, I had them glue their picture on the front. They got a sheet of tissue paper, wrapped the ornament in the tissue paper then put in a treat bag. I tied it with a ribbon and they chose a card to write on and I tied it on the ribbon.

They love using sharpies!

Felt bags from Target. Good for portable centers and card games.

Comparing and contrasting Rudolph with wild reindeer. We read several reindeer/deer stories this week.

Santa nonsense or real words. Good for NWF if you do DIBELS

Candle patterns...in honor of the Menorah.

I found these dreidels at Target. 2 for a dollar so I bought 2 packages for  centers. The kids would spin the dreidel  and color what color the dreidel landed on. They loved this!

Cute Menorah puzzle, also from Target. I put this in a center with other activities.

My kids LOVE these. This is their favorite center. Sometimes I think 9 dice are a little too many so I might give them 7 or 5. We do them as a group and as a center.

More math from Deanna Jump's Christmas pack.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Next Post ...

will be Parent Gifts and Reindeer stuff. I'll post this weekend. :)

Candy, Gingy and Sweets

Ordering Gingerbread men by ordinal numbers.

CUTE book I got from the book fair.

This recording sheet goes with the cards below. Kids counted the sweets a the top of the card then the bottom of the card and added them together.  A few kids could look at the numbers ex...2 and 5 and automatically know the answer was 7 but most needed to count the sweets to figure the answer.

I gave the kids a cup of 10 gingerbread men (from oriental trading) and had them sprinkle them on the gingy house. They wrote how many were ON the house and how many were OFF the house. The answer is always 10.

I made a recording sheet with about 10 of our popcorn words and some were repeated. I had the kids pull a candy card out of the candy jar and find the word on the recording sheet and dot with a bingo dotter.

Candy dice graph. Roll, X then add up the numbers at the end of the center.

This was a little difficult. Kids had to match the number word above the gingy man with the number word on the gingy card and record the number in the box.

Similar activity as above.

My kids ADORE playing Candy Land.

Flip over the cookie and record the word.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Some Reindeer Printables

I have lots to post about Reindeer and Gingerbread. Below are a couple of things I used this week. One is from Math Centers, the other was a whole group lesson. Sorry if they don't print out well. I had some trouble when I uploaded to Scribd. Enjoy.
All About Reindeer
Baby Rudolph Learns His Colors

Friday, December 9, 2011

Some of our December Centers

I got these cute felt bags at Christmas Tree Shops. Great for manipulatives,  card games, game pieces and portable centers.

I found some cute 20 piece puzzles at Wal Mart for 98 cents. I cut the front picture off the  box and  put them in a tray at a center. 

Kids found matching word cards and wrote the word.

Beginning addition skills.

The kids did a great job with this. I have another I'm doing next week with ending  sounds.

I like this game because you can change the popcorn words  and pick different ones each time you play.

Rhyming words or not rhyming words.

Christmas Math inspiration from Deanna Jump.
