Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Day Printable

Pumpkin Day

Pumpkin Day

Easy popcorn word trace, print

The kids loved cutting open the pumpkin and looking in, feeling it,smelling it, etc.

They identified the pulp, fibers, seeds, shell, lid, etc.

Cute read aloud.

Me and my neighbor teacher...we have 5 kindergarten teachers in our building so we were the "5 Little Pumpkins".

My son took this picture of me this morning!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quick and Easy Games for Halloween Centers

A late night shopping trip at the local Drug Mart....these are just vinyl placemats and round stickers. For this one the kids start at "GO", roll the dice, move their teddy bear or unifix cube and say the letter they land on. My kids LOVED this..they called it the "Skeleton Dancing Game". 

This game we called the "Haunted House" game, same concept as above but the kids had to say the number they landed on.

My husband made a trip to Halloween know one of those pop up stores in a strip mall ...and I told him to bring me back something I can use in my classroom like mini mice or roaches or erasers. He came back with this...I love it! I will put it in a math center of some kind!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monsters and More Fall Stuff

Labeling the pumpkin (inside view). Tomorrow we  are going to cut  our class pumpkin open to investigate.

We made a class book out of last week's predictable chart..In fall I will.....

Making monster faces using pattern block shapes. 

Graphing how many of each shape we used for our monster faces.

Counting game at center time...catching monsters. 

Frankenstein art with shape fill in.

Ordinal number practice using DJ inkers clip art. This one is my sample, I let the kids take theirs home before snapping a picture. This was an extension to the big book below:

Simple pattern stamping with bingo dabbers.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin and Marshmallow Printables

The Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin and Marshmallow Printables

Marshmallow Math

Literacy/Math Stations

The kids had to pick a monster from the stew pot and write the letter  on the recording sheet.

These are foam beads from Oriental Trading. I had the kids sort them on the sorting mat below and then illustrate. The shapes were pretty simple so it was easy for recording.

Marshmallow Math Fun with BooMallows.

The kids "picked" pumpkins from the pumpkin patch and found the letter on the corresponding sheet and used a bingo dabber to find the letter.

The Pumpkin Patch!

This recording sheet goes with the game below. Good for handwriting practice.

Simple 3 or 4 letter word writing. I used the document camera and modeled this with the class.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Printables

Smart Sounds

Fall Printables

Going Nuts

Scarecrows, Nuts, Leaves and Math!

I got these Halloween Cards at Oriental Trading. My kids love these!! Good for a center or a quick "I'm Done!" assignment.

Pick a domino, count the dots, find the number on the Dazzling Dominoes sheet and draw the domino.

Going Nuts game. Pick an acorn from the pot, write the letter on the sheet.  The kids insisted my squirrel puppet be in the pot with the acorns.

Counting leaves, writing numbers on the line.

Stamping beginning sounds and coloring the picture. The kids did GREAT with this.

Foam Leaf sorting.

This is from  which goes with "The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't  Afraid of Anything". We spent a lot of time this week on scarecrows.

Labeling lesson. 

I got this from my October/November Mailbox Magazine issue.

I got these little felt bags at Target dollar spot. I put various card games in them. I call them "floor games". Clean up and organization is so much easier w/ these bags! I have some for Christmas as well.

Patterning with fall foam beads from Oriental Trading.