Monday, May 30, 2011

Yay! Blog Award

I just found out my blog is on the list of 50 most fascinating Kindergarten Blogs. Whoo hoo!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


CVC words

Adding scales to a lizard. Printed from

After reading "The Very Greedy Python" I had the kids color pictures and glue the matching animal word with the picture. Printed from

Sounding out and writing 4 letter words.

On the back of each snake I wrote a high frequency word and the kids had to write a sentence using that word then color the snake the correct color.

Rainbow writing high frequency words.

Painting paper plates for turtle shells

Shape turtle. Turtle printed from

I added a writing/math component.

Ending sounds.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Caterpillars and Butterflies

From Butterfly and caterpillar pattern block pictures.

From butterfly shape counting

My second set of life cycle flags from

I forget exactly what "Luke" wrote but most of it I can read!!

Interactive writing w/ graphic organizer

Counting spots on butterflies and writing the number word. Thank you, Mrs. Lee

watercolor painting butterflies

rainbow writing days of the week from "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".
Butterfly sequencing/cloze writing

we have some new friends from

shape/color butterfly art and writing project.

butterfly spot addition

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mammals, Moms and Amphibians

Counting by 5's. Each mammal had stickers on it, the kids counted by 5's and wrote the number.

Mammal/Not a mammal sort

Drawing/Labeling Mammals.

Painting bumps on toads.

Life cycle puzzles

I got these flags several years ago from Oriental Trading. on sale!

Toad/Frog Venn

Toad puppet

Mother Knows Best. Kids had to match the picture on Mother Kangaroo's tummy with the correct sentence then write the sentence.

Using various pictures and drawing/labeling animal pictures.

Some cute Mother's Day books.

Writing a note on why we love our Mom.

We made pots for Mother's Day. I wrote names of each child on their pot and "Kindergarten" .

Decorated bag to hold our Mother's Day pot.

I purchased some marigolds on sale to put in the Mother's Day pot.