Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wrapping Up Christmas

Stamping bags for our parent Christmas Gift.

Painting pinecones with glue and white paint.

Playdoh menorah candles.

After pinecones are painted, we rolled them in glitter.

Fine motor scissor skill practice.

Sorting various holiday items.

Playdoh Gingerbread boy/girl decorating.

Making our own gingerbread person and/or gingerbread house.

Hansel and Gretel or Gingerbread Boy
flannel board story retelling. I read various versions
of each throughout the week.

Oriental trading Christmas sticker scenes.

Gingerbread house.

Jan Brett's "The Gingerbread Baby" painting.

Cutting pictures from newspaper ads and
inventive spelling the word.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

One of my favorite holiday books to read with my class.

Estimation jar. Each day I have small objects in a jar and the
kids have to estimate how man. I write their guesses on my
jar. The checkmarks mean someone guessed this number already
so instead of writing the number twice I checkmark it. I circle the
lowest guess and the highest guess. You can tell
we are new at estimating, the guesses are all over the place.

After estimating, the helper puts the objects on my
100's board to help with one to one correspondence
and number recognition.

Practicing writing numbers on the reindeer tummies.

Sewing stockings. Even the boys LOVE this.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Holiday Stuff

I bought holiday placemats on sale after Christmas
last year and cut them up into 5 or 6 piece puzzles.

Christmas cookie cutters with play doh.

Sorting and patterning holiday erasers. Most of them I
get at the Dollar Tree or after Christmas sales.

Christmas tree creation station w/ peel and stick stickers
from Oriental Trading and sequins from the craft store.

Trace and color Santa. Good for fine motor practice.

I have all kinds of holiday figurines, toys, finger puppets,
Fisher Price Little People sets and plastic decorations.

Felt hand puppets.